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简介1.高考英语语法2.高考英语语法问题(帮帮即将高考的孩纸吧)3.高考英语语法练习题,分块(名词、代词、时态等 )的那种。答案附后面的那种,不要题和答案在一起的那种4.一道高考语法题5.高考英语语法: 09届高考英语语法典型习题 状语从句6.高考英语语法--单项选择题目7.几道高考英语语法题高考英语语法填空固定搭配如下:1. 短语动词:come up with, go over, give up,



3.高考英语语法练习题,分块(名词、代词、时态等 )的那种。答案附后面的那种,不要题和答案在一起的那种


5.高考英语语法: 09届高考英语语法典型习题 状语从句





1. 短语动词:

come up with, go over, give up, keep on, hold on, look after, look up, put off, set up, take off, turn down, work out等。

2. 名词短语和形容词短语:

a great deal of, a number of, as a result of, in addition to, in spite of, instead of, on account of, in the meantime, by means of, according to, apart from, in terms of, regardless of, due to等。

3. 其他常用搭配:

not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, both…and, not…but, so…that, such…that, whether…or, as well as等。









第四题选B;drinking作主语。一般只有动名词和不定式才可以做主语的。前面的something as simple as可以当之不存在。


1. D consider sb to be...

consider sb as...

consider sb. sth


2. A will 表示愿意,shall 用于第一人称,与will 相同用法

3. D 句型;原想做。。。,但结果没成功

常用的还有: had wanted / thought/ planned..to do ..., but sb didn't ...

4. C keep up sth. 保持。。。

5. B 英语中,未见面的人用it 表示, 宾语从句用陈述句

高考英语语法练习题,分块(名词、代词、时态等 )的那种。答案附后面的那种,不要题和答案在一起的那种



The car which/that tom is driving is made in Shanghai. which/that指the car.

Did won the gold medal in the game yesterday,which made his class hy.which指前面提及的整件事情。

As was reported,he was beaten in the tabletennis match. as 指后面的主句说的事情。

2)关系代词whose 表示,先行词的......,既可以指人的也可以指物的......。如:

I live in the room whose window opens to  the north.

The boy whose father is a teacher is called Tom.


I visited the school where Mary studies.

I will never forget the days when we spent the spring festival together.

Can you tell me the reason why you didn't go to school yesterday?


1、 Do you know the boy _______ under the big tree

A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying

2. -What do you think of the book

-Oh, excellent. It’s worth ______ a second time.

A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being reading

3. Go on _______ the other exercise after you he finished this one.

A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing

4. There was a terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light.

A. followed B. following

C. to be followed D. being followed

5. If it is fine tomorrow, we ______ a football match.

A. he B. will he C. has D. shall has

6. When he was at school, he ______ early and take a walk before breakfast.

A. will rise B. shall rise C. should rise D. would rise

7. In the past 30 years China ______ great advances in the socialist revolution and socialist construction.

A. has made B. he made C. had made D. hing made

8. I ______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work.

A. don’t/had B. didn’t/he C. didn’t/had D. don’t/he

9. Mary is very late, she ______.

A. may miss her train B. may he missed her train

C. must miss her train D. could miss her train

10. Most of the artists _______ to the party were from South Africa.

A. invited B. to invite

C. being invited D. had been invited

11.“What did you do in the garden”

“I watched my father ______ his motorbike.”

A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repairs

12. I don’t allow ______ in my office and I don’t allow my family ______ at all.

A. to smoke…smoking B. smoking…to smoke

C. to smoke…to smoke D. smoking…smoking

13. _____ more attention, the trees could he grown better.

A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Hing given

14. European football is played in 80 countries, _____ it the most popular sport in the world.

A. making B. make C. made D. to make

15. The Olympic Games, ____ in 776 B. C., did not include women players until 1912.

A. first playing B. to be first played

C. first played D. to be first playing

16. He was a good runner so he ______ escape from the police.

A. might B. succeeded to C. would D. was able to

17. I hoped ______ my letter.

A. her to answer B. that she would answer

C. that she answers D. her answering

18. The dictionary _____ me fifty dollars.

A. spent B. paid C. cost D. costed

19. -I’m sorry for _______ in time.

—That’s all right.

A. getting it not done B. not getting it done

C. getting not it done D. getting not to do it

20. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______.

A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to


1. D lying是lie的现在分词,在句中作后置定语。

2. C “It is worth doing”是固定结构,意思是“干… …是值得的”。

3. A A项表示继续做与原来不同的事,B和C均表示继续做与原来相同的事。

4. B 句中的he是使役动词,故”he sth. done”是常用结构,意思是“让别人去干某事”,或“某人让别人去干”。


10. A 分词短语作定语时,应放在被修饰的名词后,相当于一个定语从句:Most of the artists who were invited to the party were from South Africa.

11-12 CD

13. A 分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。该分词的逻辑主语是the trees,与动词give含有动宾关系,因而用过去分词given表示被动,Give more attention这个条件状语相当于状语从句If they had been given more attention。

14. A making是现在分词用作状语,表示伴随情况或做补充说明。B和C属语法错误。D项是不定式,可作目的状语,但目的状语前通常不能用逗号。

15. C 本题考查分词作定语的用法。The Olympic Games与play之间是被动关系,所以应首先排除A和D。而B项是不定式的被动形式,表示将来的动作,故也应排除。此句可理解为:The Olympic Games, which was first played in 776 B. C., did not include women players until 1912.

16-19 DBCB

20. A 需要重复不定式的内容时,要把to后面的动词及其宾语省略掉。又如:Mary wanted to use my bike, but I asked her not to.

高考英语语法: 09届高考英语语法典型习题 状语从句

— You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.

— Not exactly so. It was his courage_____ his skill that really struck me most.

A. rather than B. as well as C. but also D. not only


答:参考答案有误,是A而不是B。 (It is A rather than B that is the correct answer.)


也不完全是这样。(其实) 真正打动我的不是他的技术而是他的勇气。

析:从强调句型、语境、really 及most 可以看出,It is A rather than B 是A而不是B。




21. --You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.

--Not exactly so. It was his courage _________ his skill that really struck me most.

A. rather than      B. as well as   C. but also D. not as


单选: 21-30 ABACC ADDBB



12.---You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.

---Not exactly ,It was his courage _______his skill that really struck me most.

A. other than B. as well as C. but also D. apart from.


《 09届高考英语语法典型习题 状语从句》由留学liuxue86我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

09届高考英语语法典型习题 状语从句

2009-06-08 09:49 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 [打印] [评论]

1. Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park ________ she was bitten on the leg by a lion.

A) when B) while C) since D) because

2. Linda was walking in the street ________ she noticed a thief stealing from a old lady.

A) while B) when C) as D) which

3. The time is not far away ________ modern communications will become widespread in China?s vast countryside.

A) as B) when C) while D) before

4. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially ______ Father was away in France.

A) as B) that C) during D) if

5. He was just about to give up and return to his bedroom for a good rest ________ he had a bright idea.

A) but B) while C) until D) when

6. It was great joy ________ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.

A) because B) which C) since D) that

?8. The film brought the hours to me ________ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A) until B) that C) when D) where

6. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem _____ they themselves couldn't.

A) once B) then C) while D) if

8. He told me to lee out the articles in this sentence ________ it is possible.

A) where B) in which C) that D) what

5. You should make it a rule to lee things ________ you can find them again.

A) so that B) when C) where D) and then E) there

5. There are dirty marks/spots on her trousers ________ she had wiped her hands.

A) where B) in which C) when D) that

10. ________ they will not come to join us, we he to change our plan.

A) Seeing that B) Supposing that C) For D) When

E) Granting that F) Providing that G) Considered that H) While

2.He got up very early that day ________ he caught the first train.

A) in order that B) so that C) in order to D) so as to

?10. The thought worried him much ________ he might fail in the exam.

A) that B) which C) when D) so that

?8. While teaching students, teachers should take into consideration _________ students develop at different rates.

A) the fact that B) since C) as long as D) despite of

2. I won?t make up with him ________ he apologizes.

A) unless B) lest C) provided D) whereas

12. ________ the case is settled out of court, it can often take years before it comes to trial.

A) Except that B) Unless C) Until D) But for E) Despite the fact that

13. Put on your rain()coat ________ it rains.

A) because B) as C) lest D) in case E) in condition

3.________ gas leaks and similar accidents should occur, some responsible persons should regularly inspect all the laboratories.

A) Unless B) In case C) Provided D) Until

5. ________ in one leg, he never had a chance to get a job.

A) Weak and lame B) He was weak and lame

C) Though weak and lame D) Weak and lame as he was

18. The production of television commercials must be professional ________ they aim at promoting good service, or public education.

A) when B) no matter C) if D) whether

6. The prices he been going up, so that the richer you get, the less rich you are than ________ you think you ought to be.

A) that B) / C) what D) which 《 09届高考英语语法典型习题 状语从句》由留学liuxue86我整理






根据题意,将WHEN翻成“虽然”应该是最合适的。虽然一开始不能断定是WHEN但是可以用排除法,只有WHEN 是可以用在这里的

3、我们看一下整个逻辑:因为他去了法国所以他才没有参加比赛(要明确两件事发生的先后顺序)。而从问句里 的didn't可知比赛已经发生过了,是过去式了所以C选项表明他是在比赛之前去的法国,过去的过去用过去完成时。




2.选B。such as to固定搭配

3.选B.如果选A,主句的主语和从句的主语必须一致!但there be句型没有主语可以与exam的主语一致!

4.选C。there be句型和seems to do句型的混合

5.选C.对谓语动词seems反问,应用does,主语Fighting an artificial greenhouse effect应该用it指代,所以用doesn't it?

6.选B.After _____seemed an endless wait,在整个句中是充当时间状语的.而after后面应该接的是一个名词性从句.it不能用来引导名次性从句.所以只能用what。

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