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tamoadmin 2024-07-05 人已围观

简介1.求高考英语单选几道题的解析2.一个很难解释的高考英语单选题---语法高手进---不会不要作答,谢谢3.高中英语单选题(急)4.英语单选5.2005年高考英语单项选择题6.求助高考英语单选题7.高考英语单项选择题易错题正确答案应该是:D解析:本题考查连词,重在句意的判断。句意是:"一旦学生们决定了去哪所大学读书,他们就得研究下办理入学的手续。"A. As当;因为...B. while做连词强调一










解析:本题考查连词,重在句意的判断。句意是:"一旦学生们决定了去哪所大学读书,他们就得研究下办理入学的手续。"A. As当;因为...B. while做连词强调一件事发生时另外一个动作正在进行;C. Until直到...D. Once一旦。因此选D



这里考1,expect的用法,2,to do不定式的性质,3,there be的用法,4,be 动词的各种非限定形式。




2,当前动词的形式上不表现受主谓一致原则下 “数”(动词三单之类)的标记




动词非限定形式包括:to do,doing,done.即,动词不定式,现在分词和动名词,过去分词.



动词的不定式是指 “不被原型动词词形变化所局限的非谓语动词”,就仅仅指to do和(特殊情况下不带to)的to do.

那你会问为什么我会看到to have done,to be doing,to be done,to have been done的说法呢?







例如,remember sb do (这里是不带to)的不定式

remember sb doing(这里是说动名词和现在分词,按照上下文语义侧重来分)


这一题主要考expect这个动词只能接 动名词,动词不定式或着宾语从句.c选项being表示判断概念的系动词的现在分词形式.being不会是动名词,因为be动词无实义,动名词都是有与之对应实义概念的名词的,你会问,不是be表示“是”这个概念吗?你错了,中文解释英文的局限就在这里凸显了,“是”在中文里有两个方面的概念:1,表示判断;2,表肯定。

而表肯定含义的动词加上ing 才会是与表肯定含义对应的动名词。

所以不选C. A,B选项是指将expect后there be句型作为宾语从句,A选项在没有D选项存在的时候可以选,B选项,时态错误。D,选项最符合搭配习惯,这里不定式做expect的宾语。

A选项在D选项不存在是可以选是因为,expect,hope ,wish 等词在一般现在时接宾语从句,从句谓语动词可以用一般现在时表示“将来”含义,也可以直接接will +不带to的不定式。



第九题,who前the only one 修饰时,用单数(这个我觉得根据实际情况就好了,毕竟语境中也只有他一个)






I have many friends, ___ some are businessmen.

A. of them B. from which C. who of D. of whom



析:这是高考题。考查非限制性定语从句中介词+关系代词的用法。先行词是friends,是人,不用which,可排除B。 them是人称代词,不能引导定语从句,排除A。如用A,则用并列连词and,且说:and some of them are businessmen, 不必这么“倒装”。

从句还原就是:some of whom(=them=my friends) are business, 由于介词+关系代词whom起到引导的作用,所以只好将some这个从句的主语放到它后面了。



要我选的话应该是B C A

第一个 选 has come。长达132天的恶梦从今天起结束了,我觉得解题关键应该是要明白选项一定要体现出“从今天起”这个概念,will come、is coming 表将来,comes 一般现在时 都无法提现出特定的语气——那种感叹“从今天起结束了”的语气。

第二个 选 meeting , aimed。Finance ministers (from the G20 economies) who are meeting in France have reached a deal which is aimed at ...,其中who are 以及 which is 省略

第三个 选when 。 since 这里表“自从”如果用since 后面句子要用完成时

我也不能保证都对 有问题希望能和你继续探讨 上了三年大学 英语语法不如从前了


22 B 解析:as far as 意为“直到……为止” 例如:We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿。

“直到……程度”例:she went so far as (or as far as) to call him a coward. 她甚至骂他是儒夫。

“就……而论”: As (or So) far as I koow,she will be away from Macao for two months.


so long as意为“只要”意思等同于“as long as”例如“So long as studies attentively, anything will learn well.

只要用心学,什么都可以学好的。” 这个词组高考经常考的,一定要记住

in case 以防万一的意思 例如 It may rain you'd better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does).

可能下雨--你最好带把伞, 以防万一(下起来).

even if 即使 纵使 意思等于even though 例如 Charlie's going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels


翻译 这个房间你随便用,只要你之后把它打扫干净

8 D 解析: 此句话是条件状语从句,应该用if引导,if翻译成如果


12 C 解析:unless是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式。所以unless = if not。例如 Unless you take more care, you’ll have an accident.


此题翻译为 欧文什么都不吃,除非他自己亲自下厨

13 B 解析:同上题,这两道题书同一类型,要学会举一反三

整句话翻译为 我父母不介意我从事什么工作,只要我开心

33 A 解析:此题中when用作关系副词,引导关系从句 意为 当...时

例如 There were times when I didn't know what to do.


此题题干翻译为 昨天她刚刚完成作业,她妈妈就要求她去练习钢琴

10 D 解析:此句中unless相当于if……not 而otherwise意为“另外”例如 The evidence is otherwise.

证据显示的是另外一回事 state 声明 陈述 表明 表示的意思 例如 The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith.

证人宣称她以前从未见过史密斯先生 此外state还有状况 状态的意思 例如 The vice president is in a state of poor health.

副总统健康状况不佳。menu菜单 dish 饭菜 盘子

本句译为 菜单里得的所有饭菜,除非另外声明,将会招待两到三人

22 A 解析:此处while连接两个并列句子,表示“对比”关系。例如:

He went out for a walk, while I stayed at home.


I like singing while she likes dancing.


charge要价 例如This store often charges only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs.


free 免费。

本题翻译为 我想知道你为你的服务要价多少


27 解析 最好用WHERE 句意就变成了,从我家乡来的朋友了(来自我出生的地方的朋友)


A good friend of mine 我的一个朋友。是主语

from _when__ I was born 定语从句,修饰a friend。所以翻译成,从我出生起就结交的朋友。

showed up出现。这句话的谓语。

at my home。这句话的地点状语

right before I left for Beijing就在我出发去北京之前。这句话的时间状语

34 A 解析 although尽管 同意的还有though和as if only if only常常用来表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此,主要用在虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。常被译为“但愿”、“要是……该多好啊”等。例如:

If only she could have lived a little longer. 要是她能活得再长一些,那该多好啊!

as soon as一……就………它和when一样, 可以引导时间状语从句。如果主句是将来时态,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。

exact proof 确切的证据 arrest逮捕 尽管警察认为他是最大的嫌疑犯,但由于没有确切证据,还不能逮捕他

31 B

翻译 在那里失业率和犯罪率都很高,可以假定高犯罪率是由高失业率造成的。


30 D 解析 while这里是连词 当……的时候 前面已经讲过了 fair公平公正

翻译 这不公平,上个月我作为一个服务员辛辛苦苦工作而我朋友们却躺在沙滩上

28 A 解析:句子的大意是,那个走失了的小女孩决定站在原地等她妈妈。



32 D 解析:本题考查交际用语,意思是:如果明天不下雨的话

27 D 解析:当peter收到重庆朋友的邀请的时候他很激动。




21. ---Huang, would you mind ill used your Pipa for the coming singing competition?

--- .

A. Yes, of course you can. B. Certainly, please use it.

C. No. you can't use it. D. No, go ahead.

22. ---Thank you for listening to me with pleasure.

----lt was pleasure.

A. a, a B. 不填;不填 C. a, the D. 不填, a

23. ---Ow. I've burnt myself!

---How did you do that?

---I a hot pot.

A. kept B. touched C. felt D. held

24. treating the homeless man as a shame to society;, Mrs. Wang provided him with food and water.

A. Instcad of B.As a result of C. In the event of D. Regardless of

25. ---Lucy doesn't mind lending you her dictionary.

---She . I have already borrowed one.

A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. shouldn't

26. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you advertisements showing happy families.

A. will often see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen

27. After seemed hours of waiting in line, finally it was our turn to pass the gateway.

A. that B. it C. what D. which

28. It is easy to my car from others in the parking place; it has an advertisement about Panasonic TV on the back of it.

A. make up B. find out C. pick up D. pick out

29. My parents tried their best to laugh my fears for the coming examination.

A. from B. away C. against D. into

30. I am ashamed, sir, that I wasted the many hours I should have studied in class.

A. while B. as C. once D. when

3 1. l would love to the concert last night, but I didn't get the ticket for it.

A. to go B. going C. to be gone . D.to have gone

32. Information obtained from libraries is sooner forgotten than .

A. it from life B. that from life C. what from life D. which of life

33. ---I'd like a pen which well. .

---Will this one ?

A. writes; do B. writes; work C. is written; do D is written; work

34. 1 suggested not only go to the meeting but also give a speech there.

A. did he go B. his going C. should he go D. he should go

35. Although it is not our normal to give credit in our shop, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.

A. habit B. intention C. action D. practice

:21—25 DDBAC 26—30 ACDBD 31—35 DBACD

21. --- How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles?

--- ____? It's the biggest company in the country.

A. How about you B. How should I feel C. How do you D. What

22. Professor Li, who I ____ abroad, still teaches in Peking University.

A. think went B. think to have gone C. thought went D. thought had gone

23. Although he likes playing tennis, he is ____ but a good tennis player.

A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

24. The Chinese ____ prefer tea to coffee.

A. almost B. nearly C. most D. mostly

25. My son is very shy, but can you imagine ____ at the English party?

A. him sing B. his singing C. him to sing D. his to sing

26. He didn't want to see anybody, so he spent six hours ____ in the small room.

A. locked B. to lock C. locking D. being locked

27. I think Ma Linlin will ____ a good monitor, so I'm going to vote for her.

A. remain B. make C. get D. grow

28. Prices of food in that area ____ sharply since word came that the war would break out soon.

A. were cut down B. were rising C. have been brought down D. have been going up

29. --- You know Jane?

--- Yes, it was ____ I surfed the Internet last week.

A. that B. when C. why D. whom

30. Toward evening, ____ came, which made things worse.

A. a heavy rain B. heavy rain C. heavy rains D. the heavy rain

31. ____ he told us is the news ____ China has got 32 gold medals in the Athens Olympic Games, ____, of course, made us feel very excited.

A. What; which; which B. That; that; which C. What; that; which D. That; that; what

32. Thank you very much. But for you, I ____ in the fight yesterday.

A. would have been died B. would have been killed

C. should die D. would have killed

33. --- Hello, is Mary in?

--- I'm sorry she ____ come to the phone because she is having a bath.

A. won't B. mustn't C. can't D. wouldn't

34. In our school, many a boy ____ playing football and more girls than one ____ playing it.

A. likes; likes B. like; like C. like; likes D. likes; like

35. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ____ advertisements showing happy families.

A. will often see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen




第一节: 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. --- How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles?

--- ____? It's the biggest company in the country.

A. How about you B. How should I feel C. How do you D. What

22. Professor Li, who I ____ abroad, still teaches in Peking University.

A. think went B. think to have gone C. thought went D. thought had gone

23. Although he likes playing tennis, he is ____ but a good tennis player.

A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

24. The Chinese ____ prefer tea to coffee.

A. almost B. nearly C. most D. mostly

25. My son is very shy, but can you imagine ____ at the English party?

A. him sing B. his singing C. him to sing D. his to sing

26. He didn't want to see anybody, so he spent six hours ____ in the small room.

A. locked B. to lock C. locking D. being locked

27. I think Ma Linlin will ____ a good monitor, so I'm going to vote for her.

A. remain B. make C. get D. grow

28. Prices of food in that area ____ sharply since word came that the war would break out soon.

A. were cut down B. were rising C. have been brought down D. have been going up

29. --- You know Jane?

--- Yes, it was ____ I surfed the Internet last week.

A. that B. when C. why D. whom

30. Toward evening, ____ came, which made things worse.

A. a heavy rain B. heavy rain C. heavy rains D. the heavy rain

31. ____ he told us is the news ____ China has got 32 gold medals in the Athens Olympic Games, ____, of course, made us feel very excited.

A. What; which; which B. That; that; which C. What; that; which D. That; that; what

32. Thank you very much. But for you, I ____ in the fight yesterday.

A. would have been died B. would have been killed

C. should die D. would have killed

33. --- Hello, is Mary in?

--- I'm sorry she ____ come to the phone because she is having a bath.

A. won't B. mustn't C. can't D. wouldn't

34. In our school, many a boy ____ playing football and more girls than one ____ playing it.

A. likes; likes B. like; like C. like; likes D. likes; like

35. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ____ advertisements showing happy families.

A. will often see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen

第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Elderly people respond (反应) best to a calm and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to 36 as their behavior can sometimes be irritating (令人恼怒的). If they get 37 or upset, then they may become more confused(糊涂的) and more difficult to look after. 38 sometimes it can be extremely difficult, it is best to be 39 and not to get upset yourself. You should always 40 old people to do as much as possible for themselves but be ready to 41 a helping hand when necessary.

Failing memory makes it 42 for the elderly to recall all the basic kinds of information we 43 for granted. The obvious way to help in this 44 is to supply the information that is missing and help them make 45 of what is going on. You must use every opportunity to provide information, 46 remember to keep it simple and easy to understand.

When the elderly person makes 47 statements e.g. about going out to his or her old 48 or visiting a dead relative, 49 in a calm matter-of-fact fashion: "You are retired now. Will you come and help me with the dishes?"

We depend 50 on the information provided by signposts, clocks, calendars and newspapers. These assist us to 51 and direct our behavior. Confused old people need these 52 all the time to compensate(弥补) for their memory.

Encourage them to use 53 boards or diaries for important 54 events and label(标注) the contents of different cupboards and drawers. Many other aids such as information cards, 55 photos, notes, addresses or shopping lists could help in individual case.

36. A. provide B. protect C. discover D. examine

37. A. happy B. easy C. excited D. comfortable

38. A. As a result B. Even though C. For D. Although

39. A. patient B. protective C. ready D. helpful

40. A. tell B. encourage C. warn D. permit

41. A. carry B. make C. lend D. offer

42. A. necessary B. difficult C. terrible D. impossible

43. A. make B. give C. think D. take

44. A. condition B. situation C. action D. position

45. A. sense B. use C. light D. fun

46. A. and B. or C. however D. but

47. A. obvious B. strange C. confused D. fixed

48. A. factory B. hospital C. school D. employment

49. A. correct B. repeat C. check D. care

50. A. hardly B. heavily C. totally D. simply

51. A. collect B. form C. keep D. organize

52. A. information B. advice C. aids D. materials

53. A. reminder B. flat C. recovery D. wood

54. A. improving B. coming C. moving D. exciting

55. A. beautiful B. unforgettable C. nice D. old




A rock group called the Rocket Crew is on tour. Their agent (经纪人) has asked the town officials about Wilbour City on the tour. The stadium in the town is large enough to hold the expected crowd. Ticket sales in the area would be good because several towns are around Wilbour City. However, many people in the town don't want a rock concert because they fear the damage the crowd might cause. To settle the problem about whether or not to invite the group to appear, the mayor took a poll(民意测验). The results are:

Would buy tickets Would not buy tickets Undecided

6180 (41.2%) 5914 (39.4%) 2920 (19.4%)

Fear the damage Not fear the damage Undecided

3043 (20.3%) 8746 (58.3%) 3225 (21.4%)

Thought it would help the city Didn't think it would help the city Undecided

9412 (62.7%) 2085 (13.9%) 3517 (23.4%)

56. The mayor took the poll among _____ people.

A. 15,014 B. 6,180 C. 9,412 D. 8,746

57. From the results of the poll, we know that half of the people or more _____.

A. would buy the tickets for the concert

B. haven't yet given their own opinions

C. are against the invitation to the group

D. are for the invitation to the group

58. The concert is probably to be held in _____.

A. a cinema B. a stadium C. a theatre D. a concert hall

59. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Poll B. The City of Wilbour C. Rocket Crew D. A Rock Concert


Tony Bennett, the American singer recently touring Britain, can't remember how many times he has sung his standard hit "I Left My Heart in San Francisco". He sang it again to his audience at the London Palladium last night.

"I never get tired of singing it," he said, "I like it very much. It's a great city and it's a good song."

Bennett is to record a TV special with the American singer Lena Horne while he is here. And a new LP recorded by him in London for Philips titled "Listen Easy" will be published in June.

"I like it here," he added quietly over whiskey. "I would like to live here so many months of the year."

He already keeps a large flat in Grosvenor Square, where he is staying with his actress wife Sandie Grant and their three-year-old daughter Joanna. It has a studio where he likes to paint. Tony plans to have his first exhibition later in the year and he has already sold one picture for $4,000. At the end of the year Tony is to star in a musical film which has been specially written for him called "Two Bits", an informal expression for 50 cents. It's about an Italian immigrant(移民) who goes to America, but he becomes a failure.

"In many ways it's very close to my life the way the story has been written," said Bennett. "My father, an Italian, was ill and died when I was nine. He always wanted me to sing, but he never lived long enough to be a part of my success."

The film is to be made by Italy's top director Vittoria De Sica.

60. The underlined phrase "standard hit" in the first paragraph most probably means "_____".

A. Bennett's favorite song that's not very popular

B. a song that is always popular

C. a song which is like a heavy blow to his audience

D. a song which makes him standard

61. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?

A. "Two Bits" is a musical film.

B. Tony is to star in a film.

C. "Listen Easy" is a new record by Bennett.

D. "Listen Easy" has been published.

62. What does Tony Bennett want to do?

A. Buy a house and live in England.

B. Stay with his wife and daughter in England.

C. Live part of each year in England.

D. Leave America and settle in England.

63. What can we learn about Tony Bennett's father from this text?

A. He liked his son's singing.

B. He was born in Italy and died in America.

C. He was a part of Bennett's achievement.

D. He was glad that his son became famous.


No one can believe that the over 6,300-kilometer Great Wall might disappear some day. Believe it or not, the Great Wall is being destroyed by people. Less than 20 percent of the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty, is still perfect, but about 80 percent is in danger. The Great Wall can be called "great" mostly because of its amazing length. But we should realize that the length was made up of one brick at a time. If we do nothing to save the Great Wall, it will become a series of separate wasteland rather than a historic site.

The Great Wall is actually a series of walls built and rebuilt by different dynasties over the past 2,000 years. It began in the rule of China's first emperor, Qin Shihuang of the Qin Dynasty(221 BC-206 BC), and lasted into the Ming Dynasty. The parts built before the Ming Dynasty have nearly disappeared. People are familiar with sections such as Badaling in Beijing and Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu, because they have been open to tourists for many years. But those sections far away from the public eyes have been almost forgotten.

Few local people knew the 3-metre-high walls made of earth and stones beside them are part of the Great Wall. The lack of knowledge is considered as one of the main reasons behind human.

The bricks on the Great Wall are carried off by countryside people to build their houses, sheep corrals and pigsties. Some were taken away to build roads. Bricks carved with people's names are put away as remembrances. Rubbish is spread over the battlements. The bricks can be sold for 15 yuan per tractor load. Those who destroyed and are destroying the Wall know its name, but are not clear about its cultural meaning. It will take a long time to let them know this. The local farmers not only carried off the body of the Wall but also dug out the entire base.

It is necessary to protect the Great Wall. First of all, the officials should be aware of the importance of the Great Wall. Young Chinese should know more about the nation's great civilization and learn to love it.

64. Why does the writer say the Great Wall might disappear?

A. It is useless from now on.

B. It will be replaced by a new one.

C. Some parts of it are being destroyed.

D. It is too old to be used again.

65. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The Great Wall was completed in the Ming Dynasty.

B. Not all the foreign tourists like the Great Wall.

C. The first part of the Great Wall was built in 221 BC.

D. The Qin Great Wall was protected well.

66. The underlined part "those sections far away from the public eyes" (in Paragraph 2) refers to the parts of the Great Wall _____.

A. that are too difficult to find

B. nobody can watch

C. that are too far to be seen

D. that are not well-known to the public

67. What's the main reason of the Great Wall's being destroyed?

A. The local people are short of culture knowledge.

B. The local people need bricks and stones to build houses.

C. The local people think that the Great Wall is not important.

D. The local people sell the bricks for a living.


In the 1960s, people asked about your astrological sign(星相). In the 1990s, they wanted to know your website (网址). These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address. Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.

Think of your home page as the starting point of your website. Like the table of contents of a book or a magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it.

While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout (版面设计). At the top of the page is a banner(大标题) GRAPHIC. Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, texts, and links to other websites follow.

Before you start building your site, do some planning. Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site. Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.

While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Start simply If you are too ambitious (雄心勃勃的) at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site.

Less is better Most people don't like to read a lot of text online. Break it into small pieces.

Smaller is better Most people connect to the Internet with a modem (调制解调器). Since it can take a long time to download large image files, keep the file sizes small.

Have the rights Don't put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally (合法地). Learn the Net's Copyright Article for more about this.

Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and start building. Learning the Net Communities provides tools to help you build your site.

68. The main purpose of the passage is to tell you _____.

A. what a website is like

B. how to build your own website

C. how to meet people online

D. what a website is made up of

69. According to the writer, your website is a place _____.

A. where you can meet people all around the world

B. where you can buy what you want

C. where you can get free services

D. where you can meet people on the Internet

70. The purpose of


第一题:你要死记住:One of my friend=a friend of mine,这一题就考第二种说法。 Li Ming’s father’s 这里的father’s就是指某人的。第二题:这句话主语不是人,所以不能用人的主动to sit

去表示坐下,应该是room去被坐。第三题:这里的CLASS指全体班同学,虽然没加s,但是一个复数。还有一个相似的词family,也用作复数。但是都要看情况而定。我们说:the family is happy.是指状态,用is. 但是当:the family are watching TV.就要用are.是一个动作。这道题的choose是动作,就把他当复数。一般来说,表状态用单,动作用复。choose him monitor=choose him to be monitor.to be可省略。第四题:一般来说f的后面变复数应变f为ves,但特殊的如roof.waterproof等直接加s.其他的都按一般规律。第五题:你读读就会发现第一个空想说的是doctor(女的医生).第二空说的是通过法律(即婚姻关系)而产生的兄弟,记住:说的是谁就在谁后面加s.第六题:首先是两个小时,那小时后面肯定加s,然后再加’s表示“的”。




 1. Was _______Bill, ______played the piano very well, helped the blind man out?

 A. he; who; that B. it; that; that C. it; who; who D. he; that; who

 2. In area it is about the same size as the USA(without Alaska), which has .

 A. three times more than as many people B. as more than three times many people

 C. more than as three times many people D. more than three times as many people

 3. New ideas sometimes have to wait a long time ________ .

 A. before fully accepted B. before being fully accepted

 C. till are fully accepted D. until being fully accepted

 4. -The work will take me another week. I'm really tired.

 -I think you as well consult an experienced worker.

 A.may B.can C.need D.must

 5. Your speech given at the meeting, ______ everyone is taking into careful consideration, means much to us all.

 A. where B. what C. as D. which

 6. ______ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.

 A. Examining B. Examined

 C. Being examined D. Having been examined

 7.By the year she arrives in London, scientists probably ____ a cure for bird flue.

 A. will be discovering B. are discovering

 C. will have discovered D. have discovered

 8. --- Mom, I can't see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school.

 --- Come on, dear. Years of hard work will surely _____ in the future of your career.

 A. make sure B. pay off C. bring back D. pay back

 9. They notice that plants don't grow well _______ is much shade.

 A. where B. which C. where there D. there

 10. ________ it is to jump into the river to swim in summer!

 A. What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. How funny

 11. ---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.

 ---- Where did you _______?

 A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up

 12. I came home very late last night, _______, early this morning.

 A. at the latest B. on the whole C. in a word D. or rather

 13. Life is like sport, I mean it's a hard competitive business.

 A. in which B. by which C. for which D. of which

 14.-I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place.

 -I'm afraid that me for the moment.

 A. reminds B. puzzles C. disturbs D. escapes

 15.-Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?

 -No, only the two passengers who got hurt.

 A. it was B. there was C. there were D. there had

 16. The exercise is not difficult but just needs care and patience.

 A. by itself B. of itself C. in itself D. for itself

 17.-Is there any particular soup you would like to have?

 - you select is all right with me.

 A. Whatever B. Anyone C. No matter what D. Whichever

 18. He narrowly missed being seriously hurt, if not______, by the explosion.

 A. killed B. being killed C. be killed D. to be killed

 19. Few people paid full attention to their health conditions _____ they were seriously ill.

 A. when B. if C. until D. before

 20. The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ______ of forced entry.

 A. scene B. show C. sign D. sight

 21. -What did you think of _____ president?

 -I didn't care for him at first, but after ______ time I got to like him.

 A. the, a B. /, the C. the, the D. /, a

 22. -I can't find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

 -It was in the hotel _____ he stayed.

 A. that B. where C. which D. the one

 23. Mr and Mrs Scot prefer a restaurant in a small town to _____ in so large a city as New York.

 A. that B. the one C. one D. it

 24. Written in a hurry, ______. How can it be satisfactory?

 A. They found many mistakes in the report

 B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the report

 C. There are many mistakes in the report

 D. The report is full of mistakes

 25. -Are you free after school?

 -Sorry, I've planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner ______ for help.

 A. in order B. in return C. in turn D. in honor

 26. The soldiers soon reached ______ was once an old temple ______ the villagers used as a school.

 A. what , where B. what , which C. where , which D. what , where

 27.The boy the teachers considered _____ was caught ______ in the exam, which surprised us very much.

 A. to be the best, cheating

 B. as the best student, to cheat

 C. being the best, cheating

 D. as a good student, to cheat

 28. ---What's the matter with Jane? She has been sitting there for hours.

 ---A letter from her mother an attack of home sickness in her.

 A. set out B. set off C. sent off D. sent up

 29. - Tom, I'm afraid I can't go to the picnic with you.

 -But you ___ me you would.

 A. had told B. have told C. told D. tell

 30. --Tom, you feed the rabbit today, ?

 --But I fed it yesterday.

 A. do you B. will you C. didn't you D. don't you

 31. She comes to school every day it rains heavily.

 A. besides B. except for C. except that D. except when

 32. , the mountain climbers conquered Mount Qomolangma in the end.

 A.As the difficulty was great B.Great as the difficulty was

 C.Great difficulty as it was D.The difficulty was great

 33. As we all know, apples are sold by ______ weight, and socks are sold by _______ dozen.

 A. the; a B. /; a C. /; the D. the; the

 34. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ____ to its burning temperature.

 A. is heated B. will be heated C. be heated D. would be heated

 35. _____ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

 A. As B. Since C. Provided D. While

 36. _____ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving(兴旺的) as it is.

 A. Had it not been B. Were it not C. Be it not D. Should it not be

 37.When you go by train, make sure you take an express, stops only at big stations.

 A.one B.one that C.that D.what

 38. Much to the disappointment of the neighboring countries, the Japanese refuses to admit ________ crime they did in _______ World War II in the history.

 A. the; the B. /; the C. /; / D. the; /

 39. ------ Mr White is strongly against the plan.

 ------ ________ ? It was he who suggested it.

 A. Why not B. Is that right C. What for D. How's that

 40. ------What's the problem, officer?

 ------You ________ at least 75 in a 55 zone.

 A. are driving B. drove C. were driving D. have been driving



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